See more Salutations. ° Send your friends a link to this page. ° Embed this Salutation in a web page. ° Install this Salutation as a screen saver. ° Have an idea for a Salutation? Feel free to send it to us.
Send your friends a link to this page. Try the link first and if that doesn't work, try the button. Either way, your friend will be sent a link to this page using your own email program. This website cannot collect your email address or your friends using either method. If neither one of these methods works for you, copy the following link to the clipboard and paste it into an email message manually:
Embed this Salutation in a web page. If you wish to embed this Salutation into a web page, use the following HTML code.
Install screen saver. Install this Salutation as a Windows screen saver.
You may have to click the Run button more than once before the screen saver installs on your computer.
At this time there is no Mac screen saver version of this Salutation.
The Flash player is required to view the EGCM Salutations. Get the free Flash player. ° How to fix Flash in the Firefox browser.
Except where noted, the entire contents of The Electronic Gay Community Magazine are Copyright 2025 by The Land of Awes Information Services at http://www.awes.com/egcm/