Baehr & Curadh Podcast
Episode 012
Gay Marriage |
This is episode twelve of the Baehr and Curadh podcast. We’re going to talk
about gay marriage.
- What is marriage?
- How long have we been married?
- Why did we have such a small wedding ceremony?
- How have people reacted when they find out you are married to a man?
- Before we met, legal marriage wasn’t possible for us. Was it something you
would have wanted back then?
- If gay marriage was not available to us, how would that have affected our relationship?
- How do you respond to those who said gay marriage would weaken the institution of
- Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly support gay marriage now. What do you think
led to that change?
- What do you say to those who think marriage should be “a legal union between
one man and one woman as husband and wife”?
- Do you think love is the primary reason gay people get married?
- Are there alternatives to gay marriage?
- Do you think that marriage will destroy gay culture?
- Research has shown that lesbians are twice as likely to divorce than gay men. Why
do you think this is the case?
- Most states still have gay marriage bans on the books, even though
they are unconstitutional. What do you think about that?
- Do you think extreme religions will use “religious liberty” (the Religious
Freedom Restoration Act) as a weapon against gay marriage?
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