Baehr & Curadh Podcast
Episode 015 |
Childhood |
This is episode fifteen of the Baehr and Curadh podcast.
We’re going to talk about childhood.
- What’s your earliest memory?
- What was the city you grew up in like?
- Who was stricter, your mother, or your father?
- Was your family richer or poorer than the others in your neighborhood?
- What did your family consider a luxury?
- As a child, what did you do for fun?
- What was your favorite toy?
- Did you have a secret place or favorite hiding spot?
- Did you have an allowance, if so, how did you spend it?
- Who was your hero or role model when you were young?
- How did you spend your summer when school was not in session?
- Where did your family go on vacation?
- What is the best gift you remember receiving as a child?
- What did you do for fun as a teenager?
- How did your parents feel about the way you dressed?
- How did you learn to drive a car?
- What is different about growing up today from when you were a child?
- What is the first big news event you remember?
- Is the present better or worse than they were when you were a child?
- Describe a person or situation from your childhood that had a profound effect on the way you look at life.
- What advice did your grandparents or parents give you that you remember best?
- Were you “popular” in high school?
- What do you know now that you wish you’d known when you were young?
- If a young person came to you asking what’s the most important thing for living a good life, what would you say?
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