Baehr & Curadh Podcast
Episode 017 |
Relationship |
This is episode seventeen of the Baehr and Curadh podcast.
We’re going to talk about our relationship.
- What was your life like before we met?
- What was your first sexual experience with a man like?
- How has our relationship changed you?
- What was our first big purchase together?
- Who is more inclined to be jealous, you or me?
- How was your father like me?
- What things bring you the most pleasure now?
- Who is more of a risk-taker — you or me?
- What's something you wish we did together more often?
- Do you feel we manage our time together time well?
- What’s your favorite story about the two of us?
- Who is more generous, you or me?
- What's something you used to believe about relationships, but no longer do?
- Who is more trusting, you or me?
- Which of us has a better sense of direction?
- Which song describes our love story best?
If you would like to contact us, our email address is:
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