Baehr & Curadh Podcast
Episode 026 |
Personal |
This is episode twenty-six of the Baehr and Curadh podcast. This week we are
going to get personal.
- Describe an instance where your patience was tested.
- Do you have a sense of humor?
- What superpower do you wish you could have?
- If you were going to invent something, what kind of object would it be?
- What have you thrown away in your life that you wish you hadn’t?
- How are you different now than you were in your twenties?
- What have you liked best about your life so far?
- What has been the most influential experience in your life?
- What’s one thing you've always wanted, but still don't have?
- What is your favorite saying or expression?
- What’s an “insult” you’ve received that you’re proud of?
- If you had the power to solve one and only one problem in the world, what would
it be and why?
- If the whole world was watching you, 7 billion people, right now, what would you
say to them all?
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