Baehr & Curadh Podcast
Episode 035 |
Sleeping |
This is episode thirty-five of the Baehr and Curadh podcast. We are going to talk about sleeping.
- Do you ever get scared when the lights are off at night and you are home alone?
- Do you snore?
- Would you make an Onlyfans?
- Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
- Do you watch porn?
- If you could find out every person who ever had a crush on you, would you?
- You can have one secret video or audio feed from anywhere in the world. Where do you put it?
- If you could know what other people really thought of you, would you want to know?
- If you could live in a decade again, which decade would you choose, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s or aughts?
- If you could find out how you were going to die, would you want to know?
- Would you accept your dream job if one of the conditions was not communicating with your family and friends for one year?
- If given the opportunity, would you live your entire life over?
- Can you suck on a piece of chocolate without chewing it?
- What is the most unprofessional thing you’ve seen someone do?
- The last thing you ate is now the only thing you can eat. How soon do you die?
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