Baehr & Curadh Podcast
Episode 041 |
Random Stuff
This is episode forty-one of the Baehr and Curadh podcast. We are going to talk about random stuff.
- How politically involved are you?
- What is a controversial opinion you have?
- What fact do you try to ignore?
- If you see a homeless person asking for money, do you give them any?
- What activity calms you down and makes you feel at peace with the world?
- Do you think any part of your personality needs to be improved? If so, which part and why?
- Which aspect of your life is going really well right now and which aspect could you use some help with?
- What was the most awkward conversation you ever had with someone?
- Would you rather spend the day at an art, history, or science museum?
- What’s your favorite tear-jerking scene in a movie?
- Who in your life always stresses you out and who do you rely on to help you calm down?
- Is poverty an inevitable byproduct of human society?
- What do you consider a wasted life?
- What event would you rather die than live through?
- Do you think morality exists in nature or is it a human construct?
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