Baehr & Curadh Podcast
Episode 043 |
Strange Things |
This is episode forty-three of the Baehr and Curadh podcast. We are going to talk about strange things.
- If you were challenged to a duel, what weapons would you choose?
- What movie villain do you really feel for?
- What is the most interesting thing you could do with 400 pounds of cheddar cheese?
- What did you think you were good at but are actually quite bad at?
- What in a trailer automatically makes you assume a movie will be horrible?
- What game do you wish you could act out in real life?
- What are you really happy about being terrible at?
- What would be the funniest thing to fill a piñata with?
- What is the most pleasant-sounding name for either a boy or a girl?
- What’s the most nightmarish creature you can imagine?
- What is the most interesting game concept you can come up with?
- If the police raided your house right now, what is the most incriminating thing they would find?
- What actor played their character so well that you can’t watch them in any other show or movie without seeing that character?
- What is the most fun thing someone could have in their backyard?
- If you had to break one world record in order to receive one million dollars, what world record would you try to break?
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