Baehr & Curadh Podcast
Episode 138
138 - Pair A Normal Bears
Listen to episode 138
This is episode 138 of the Baehr and Curadh podcast. We are Pair A Normal Bears.
A local paranormal group had an open investigation at the Kansas Aviation Museum and we bought tickets to attend.
While preparing for the investigation, I must have triggered something at home.
Electronic Voice Phenomenon is voices recorded on a media.
People presume that EVP voices are dead people speaking.
Does intent matter when recording EVPs?
Do disembodied entities use our emotions as a fuel source?
This was the first time we ever used two field recorders at the same time.
I made a laminated card with about 20 questions to ask during EVP sessions.
I practiced asking questions in Linwood Park.
We asked about accessing the airplanes on the tarmac.
I wanted to visit the B52 they have on display.
I wanted to ask if they had ever used water vapor as a detector.
I wrote down a ton of questions I wanted to ask.
We were interested in the Women In Aviation exhibit.
We wanted to ask if they had ever investigated at any of the BTK serial murder sites.
The former Wichita Airport where we investigated was where the bodies of soldiers who died in South Viet Nam were processed.
This event was open to the paying public.
There were over 30 people in the museum.
We should try to find a private event that is seriously interested in investigating the paranormal.
One of the attendees and her brother were seriously interested in the paranormal.
The investigation was in the dark.
Anyone walking or talking anywhere could be heard all through the building.
It seemed like the people in the paranormal group were the ones who jibber-jabbered the most.
Something didn't want us to investigate.
Has anyone ever tried using artificial intelligence to find EVPs in recordings?
We got two possible EVPs at the Tuskegee Airmen exhibit.
The heart monitor on my watch warned me that my heart rate went over 100 during both of the EVPs.
What do you think about using a Spirit Box?
One person used an Ovilus-type app on her phone that spit out random words and phrases.
How about the Estes Method? Fortunately, no aircraft took off at the nearby Air Force base.
One person said she saw shadows in the second story of the rotunda.
I wanted to video the laser grid while I asked questions.
Curadh saw a child near the rotunda.
The motion activated lights I put out did not detect any disembodied entities.
Curadh saw one of the motion balls go off.
We brought a theremin, to use as a detector.
What do you think about using a psychic medium to do a paranormal investigation?
What do you think about going to some of the Bleeding Kansas sites?
How about the Piatt Memorial Park where the "Raggy 42" KC-135 refuel tanker crashed?
It would be interesting to do some investigating at the Historic Cow Town museum.
I learned that I need to remove the lanyards from the field recorders.
I would like to see if I can volunteer to do the website for the paranormal group.
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